“Cavaglia should be listened as a whole rather than in parts and pieces, as it carries a message that cannot be transcribed into sentences and words.” https://acloserlisten.com/2023/04/10/violeta-vicci-cavaglia/

A remarkable concept album by a unique and imaginative solo performer. Vicci is an artist of ideas with all the gifts to fulfil them. https://www.thestrad.com/reviews

“Grand Art” - “ Ein bemerkenswertes Solo-Recital, das auch beim mehrmaligen Hören noch spannende Details finden lässt. Große Kunst, hellwach und offen für neue Wege.” https://www.concerti.de/rezensionen/violeta-vicci-mirror-images/

“With such musical sense and communication skills the future looks very bright for Violeta Vicci.” http://www.musicweb-international.com/classrev/2021

“Insgesamt ein sehr persönliches künstlerisches Statement – allemal hörenswert.http://www.klassik-heute.de

“La enérgica y decidida interpretación de Vicci en esta pieza no dejará indiferente a nadie.” https://assets.ctfassets.net/RevistaRitmoCriticas

“Strongly recommended. A true sleeper.” https://classicalmodernmusic

“With her always soulful and cultivated style, she does not create structures bursting with power, but rather pastoral soundscapes.” https://www.pizzicato.lu

“Violeta Vicci’s accomplishments are both those of a violinist/violist gifted as a fine interpreter of traditional and new music and as an improvisational artist with a penchant for the intricacies of quarter-tone music.” https://rafaelmusicnotes.com

“Vicci’s balanced phrasing is both deft and natural.” https://slidel-classical-reviews

‘Essentially this record is not to be missed.’ httpps://www.astrangelyisolatedplace.com
